Presentation of the new book of prof. Zhelyu Vladimirov

Presentation of the new book of prof. Zhelyu Vladimirov

On 31.10.2023 the book “Kultirnoto nasledstvo kato resurs za mestno razvitie” was presented at the Sofia University Library. The book contains the results of the research conducted within the project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 “Creation and development of “Heritage BG” Centre of Excellence”, financed within the Operational Program “Science and Education for Smart Growth” 2014-2020.

Prof. Zhelyu Vladimirov highlighted the policies and approaches to the preservation and development of cultural heritage, emphasized the methods of economic evaluation considering the cultural value of immovable cultural heritage. The author gave the example of the historical complex “Tsari Mali Grad” in the village of Belchin as a resource for local development. It was compared with the importance of cultural heritage in the city of Shumen for the socio-economic development of the city and the quality of life and its actual use.

In conclusion the author prof. Zhelyu Vladimirov said “The most important “tool” for the preservation of cultural heritage is education. For each heritage, there must be an exciting narrative, presentation, visual presentation, etc. to impress and to be passed from mouth to mouth”. For more information on project BG05M2OP001-1.001-0001 “Creation and development of “Heritage BG” Centre of Excellence”, please visit and