University library "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Chronicle for the period from 1945 to 1988


Asen Kovachev, a longtime librarian and bibliographer at the University Library, was nominated as Director of the University library. 

1 May

After the air-bomb attack on Sofia and the evacuation, the University Library restored its normal functioning and opened doors for its users. 


The libraries at the Faculties of theology, agronomy and forestry, economics, medicine and veterinary medicine are set apart after 1950 and they became the basis of the libraries of the respective new universities. 


The seminar libraries at the Faculty of law were band into one branch library. 


The structure of the Central library is changed and its main departments are established:
Acquisition and exchange;
Circulation and library holdings;
Reference services. 

It was created a subject catalog, maintained until 1960. 


New regulations of the University library were adopted. 


Yordan Bratkov, professor of Latin at Sofia University, was nominated as Director of the University library. 

A revision of the alphabetical catalog of books, acquired after 1938 started, in compliance with the new Rules for bibliographic description of books (1951-1952). 


The structure of the University Library is finally formed. It consists of a Central Library and branch libraries. Branch libraries department was established and Slavka Shopova was nominated as head of the department. 


It is presented a single registration of library readers in the Central library. 

The largest branch library “Philologies” was founded. It included the seminar libraries of the Slavic Seminar (1897), the Seminar of comparative literary history (1911/12) and the library of the Institute of German, French and English philology. 

A library collection of the Department of archaeology at the Faculty of history was founded.

Popiliev, Todor and Elena Dushkova. Spatnik na chitatelya. –
Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo, 1954. 79 p. 

It was established a scientific group in library science and bibliography with the appointment of the first associated researcher in the University library – Salza Petkanova. 


It was published the bibliographic directory:
Petkanova, Salza, Micheva, Elena. Dialekticheski i istoricheski materializam. Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo, 1955. 188 p. 


Nikola Chervenkov was nominated as Director of the University Library. A full inventory of the library collections started. It was completed in 1960. It was created a union alphabetical catalog of the University library network. 


Popiliev, Todor. Balgarska hudozhestvena literatura i kritika : Vol. 1. Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo, 1957.

Vol. 1. 1944-1954. 1957. 222 p.


A publication of a series of multivolume bibliographic directories prepared by the staff of the library started:
Andreeva, Stoyanka. Bibliografiya na slavyanskoto literaturoznanie i folklor. 

Vol. 1. 1955-1956 / Stoyanka Andreeva. BAN, 1958. 203 p. 

Vol. 2. 1957-1960 / Stoyanka Andreeva, Lazarina Stanisheva. Nauka i izkustvo, 1963. 336 p.

Vol. 3. 1960-1965 / Stoyanka Andreeva, Lazarina Stanisheva. Nauka i izkustvo, 1968. 589 p.

Vol. 4. 1966-1970 / Stoyanka Andreeva, Nevyana Beleva, Tsvetanka Kirova, Lazarina Stanisheva. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 1973. 915 p.

Vol. 5. 1971-1975 / Vesela Hrusanova, Lazarina Stanisheva, Nevyana Beleva, Tsvetanka Kirova. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 1978. 1189 p. 

Vol. 6. 1976-1980 / Vesela Hrusanova, Lazarina Stanisheva, Mariya Kapitanova, Tsvetanka Kirova. St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 1983. 1305 p.

Knigi i periodichni izdaniya v NR Bulgaria. Sofia: Balg. bibliogr. inst. “Elin Pelin”

1958 / Angelina Kirmagova. 1960, 16 p. 
1959 / Angelina Kirmagova. 1961, 14 p. 
1960 / Angelina Kirmagova, Dimitar Boshnakov. 1961. 6 p. 


New Regulations of the University Library were adopted. 


The reconstruction of the existing subject catalog of books acquired after 1938 (based on the new classification scheme for the scientific libraries in Bulgaria of 1958) began. It was prepared a subject index for it. 


Library assistants draw up an educational tool for students at the Faculty of philosophy:
Filosofiyata ot epohata na Vazrazhdaneto do vtorata polovina na ХІХ v. : Ch. 1 : Ot Vazrazhdaneto do vtorata polovina na XVІІІ v. Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo, 1961. 514 p. 


It was opened the branch library of the Faculty of biology after banding of the libraries at the Faculty institutes. 


There were published several bibliographic directories in various scientific fields: 

Kiril i Metodiy : Bibliografiya na balgarskata literatura 1944-1963 / Anna Paunova, Angelina Kirmagova. Sofia : Sofia state university “Kliment Ohridski”, 1963. 45 p. 

Nyakoi nepublikuvani materiali za prof. M. P. Dragomanov : Zaslugite mu za Sof. universitet i negovata biblioteka / Nikola Chervenkov. Sofia : Nar. bibl., 1963, pp. 223-246. (Offprint from Izvestiya na Nar. bibl. i bibl. na Sof. darzh. univ. : Vol. 3.) 

Belezhki varhu stratigrafiyata na gornata kreda i paleogena v Aytoska Stara planina / Vasil Tsankov, Margarita Kehayova. (Offprint from Godishnik na Sof. univ. Biologo-geologo-geografski fakultet, Kn. 2. Geologiya : Vol. 56 za 1961/62. 


It was published the bibliographic directory: Raztvori / Dimitar Trandafelov, Salza Petkanova. Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo, 1965. 128 p.


It was established the “International book exchange department” within the University Library with a head Nikola Stanev. 


Bibliographical directories published:

Iz istoriyata na himiyata : T. 1. Ot antichnostta do alhimiyata / Dimitar Trandafelov, Salza Petkanova. Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo, 1967. 144 p. 

Savetska hudozhestvena literatura v Balgariya 1955-1965 / Zdravka Oreshkova, Stefan Kanchev, Siyka Tancheva. Sofia : NBKM, 1967. 508 p. 


Balgaro-nemski kulturni otnosheniya 1806-1966 / Stefan Kanchev, Trayan Radev. Sofia : NBKM, 1968. 222 p. 

Poemata na Grigor Parlichev “Skenderbey” na balgarski ezik : Iv. Lekov / Teofana Angelieva. – In: Pred VІ mezhdunaroden kongres na uchenite slavisti. Sofia: Nauka i izkustvo, 1968, pp. 129-136. (Offprint from Ezik i literatura, 23, 1968, N 3).

Tekstove za uprazhneniya po gratski ezik / Teofana Angelieva. Sofia : St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 70 p. 


It was established the branch library “Scientific communism”. 

There were published the bibliographic directories:
Balgarska kirilo-metodievska bibliografiya za perioda 1963-1968 / Ivan Dujchev, Angelina Kirmagova, Anna Paunova. Sofia : BAN, 1969. 

Bibliografiya na disertatsiite, zashtiteni v Balgariya 1929-1969 / Lazarinka Stanisheva, Slavka Shopova. Sofia : Universitetska biblioteka, 1969. 593 p. 


It was opened a branch library in the Studentski grad. 

Decree № 2 of the Council of ministers set the University library as a methodology center for the Higher school education libraries within the network of the Ministry of public education. 


There were adopted Regulations of the University lbrary. 

Bibliografiya na balgarskata onomastika 1960-1970 / Ivan Duridanov, Stoyanka Andreeva. Sofia : SU “Kliment Ohridski”, 1972. 60 p. 


Bio-bibliografiya na prepodavatelite ot Fakulteta po zapadni filologii / Angelieva, Teofana, Anna Paunova and Vesela Hrusanova. Sofia : SU “Kliment Ohridski”. 1973. 522 p. 


Bibliografiya na diplomnite raboti, zashtiteni v Himicheskiya fakultet 1955-1973 / Donka Koleva. Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1974. 240 p. 

Ukrainska savetska hudozhestvena literatura i literaturna kritika v Balgariya 1917-1974 / Vesela Hrusanova. Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1974. 252 p. 


The bibliographer and second degree associate researcher – Stefan Kanchev was nominated as Director of the University library. 


The bibliographic directories were published:
Balgarski knigi 1944-1969 : Vol. 1-14 / Stefan Kanchev, Velcho Kovachev, Pavlina Edreva. Sofia : NBKM, 1976.

Sapostavitelno izsledvane na balgarski ezik s drugi ezitsi / Vesela Hrusanova. – In: Bjuletin za sapostavitelno izsledvane na balg. ez. s dr. ez., 1976, № 4, 83 p. 


As a result of a severe depository crisis in the Central library, to closed stacks depositary storage are moved 45,000 volumes of foreign literature, Ph.D. theses collection, the Library Science collection, outdated textbooks, doublet items of reference books and other items from the collections in the student reading room. 


It was opened a library depository (Bl. 51, Studentski grad) for the storage of less used literature from the branch libraries (Law, French, History, Pedagogy, Geography, Geology, Philosophy and Philologies) containing about 30,000 volumes. 


The University Library building is declared an architectural and historic cultural monument. 


Bibliografiya na disertatsiite, zashtiteni v Balgariya 1965-1972 / Lazarinka Stanisheva, Slavka Shopova. Sofia : Univ. biblioteka, 1979. 699 p. 


It was established a library at the Faculty of journalism and mass communication. 

Bibliografski ukazatel na literaturata po vaglishtnite baseyni i nahodishta v Balgariya / Georgi Shishkov, Margarita Kehayova, Svetlana Staykova. Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1980. 132 p. 

Bibliografiya na balgarskata onomastika 1940-1970 / Ivan Duridanov, Stoyanka Andreeva. Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1980. 401 p.

Kliment Ohridski : Bibliografiya 1945-1980 / Valeriya Stoeva, Zdravka Oreshkova, Kremena Petkova, Lilyana Nedeleva. Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1980. 

Rimskoto vladichestvo, kasnata antichnost i trakiyskoto nasledstvo. Bibliographiya 1970-1980 / Valeriya Stoeva, Vesela Hrusanova, Zdravka Oreshkova, Lilyana Nedeleva. Sofia : University library, 1980. 91 p. 


Export of less used parts of Central library periodical holdings to closed stacks depository storage (bl. 50 B, Studentski grad) – 1 578 titles in 15 000 volumes. 


Savetska hudozhestvena literatura v Balgariya 1966-1978 : Bio-bibliografski spravochnik. T. 1-2 / Stefan Kanchev, Vesela Hrusanova, Zdravka Oreshkova. Sofia : NBKM, 1981. 

Letopis za zhivota i tvorchestvoto na Ivan Vazov : Ch. 1. 1850-1895 / Milka Markovska.  Sofia : Nauka i izkustvo, 1981. 706 p. 


Kirilometodievska bibliographiya 1940-1980 / Ivan Duychev, Angelina Kirmagova, Ana Paunova. Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1983. 723 p. 


It was opened the branch library of the Centre for Eastern languages and studies at the Faculty of classical and modern philology. 


It was established “Rare and valuable books department”. Lilyana Petkova became the first head of the department. 

Zahari Stoyanov : [Bibliografia] / Teofana Angelieva, Stefan Chirpanliev, Todor Dimov. Sofia : St. Kliment Ohridski university press, 1985. 197 p.

Natsionalniyat bibliotechen fond po ezikovedska rusistika = The National library collection of the linguistics of Russian : [Izsledvane] / Lazarinka Stanisheva. Sofia : SU ”Kliment Ohridski”, 1985. 228 s.


Bibliographic directories published:
Vaglishta i vaglishtni baseyni v Balgariya 1882-1984 : Bibliografiya / Georgi Shishkov, Margarita Kehayova, Svetlana Staykova. Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1986. 164 p. 

Ivaylovgradskata selishtna sistema : V pomosht na uchastnitsite v Dalgosrochnata kompleksna ekspeditsiya “Ivaylovgrad” 1975-1984 / Stefan Kanchev, Penka Troshanova, Zdravka Oreshkova-Zavyalova, Vesela Hrusanova, Tsvetanka Kirova-Georgieva. Sofia: Kliment Ohridski university press, 1986. 45 p. 


The library at the Faculty of preschool and primary school education became part of the University library structure. 

Uchitelju moj / Ed. Stefan Kanchev. Sofia : Narodna prosveta, 1987. 360 p. 



It was celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of the University library. 

It was opened the library at the Center for Slavic and Byzantine studies “Acad. Ivan Duichev” at Sofia University. 

The following edition was prepared by the University Library staff on the occasion of Sofia University anniversary:
Almanah na Sofiyskiya universitet 1939-1988 : Vol. 1-3 / Milka Aleksieva, Fanny Angelieva, Stoyanka Andreeva, Verginia Arizanova, Tsvetanka Georgieva, Christina Dareva, Lyudmila Dimitrova Rositsa Dimitrova, Elena Ivanova, Marina Yoveva, Maria Kapitanova, Margarita Kehayova, Angelina Kirmagova, Emanuela Koynova, Donka Koleva-Shumova, Maria Kaneva, Stefan Kanchev, Alexandra Lyapcheva, Antoineta Minkova, Victoria Mitusheva, Ani Nikolova, Anna Paunova, Polyana Petkanova, Lilyana Petkova, Yulia Slavova, Penka Troshanova, Tsvetanka Hadzhova, Vesela Hrusanova, Dafinka Tsvetkova, Alexandra Tzekova, Slavka Shopova, Nina Shumanova, Tatiana Yanakieva, and Ivanka Yankova.  Sofia : Kliment Ohridski university press, 1988-2000. 

Sto godini Universitetska biblioteka / Stefan Kanchev, Mariya Kapitanova, Lilyana Sazdanova, Anna Angelova, Ivanka Yankova, Vesela Hrusanova, Elena Kirova, Aleksandar Dimchev. – In: Bibliotekar, 1988, № 9, 48 p.