Address: 1043 Sofia, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia University, North Wing, 1st floor, Room 223
Telephone: (+359 2) 9308 372
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30-20.00

The Law Library is the third branch library within the structure of Sofia University Library. The collection of its holdings started in 1892 with the acquisition of literature in the field of law to the new Faculty of Law at Sofia University. It became a faculty library in 1948. Part of its collections were acquired by donations. Main donors have been the embassies of France, USA and Germany in Bulgaria; the Institute of Business Law in Hamburg; the publishing houses Ciela, Sofi-R and Sibi, as well as members of the Faculty of Law, who donated their private libraries – Prof. Zhivko Stalev, Assoc. Prof. Rumen Cholov, Assistant Druzhelyub Dabev and others. Today the library has rich collections of law literature of over 91,000 library items in different languages. It provides free access to scientific serials, law literature and e-resources.
The Law Library is a base library of literature on human rights issues. Since 2001 within the library functions the European Documentation Center, which acquires major publications of the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities in Luxembourg. The collection includes: “Encyclopedia of European Community Law”, “Encyclopedia of European Union Law”, “Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights” and others. The library has 2 reading rooms and 85 reading places, including 6 computarized workstations.