University library "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Library Rules of Service

Art. 1. (1) These rules govern the relations of the readers with the Sofia University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, hereinafter referred to as the Library.
(2) These rules are an integral part of the Rules and Regulations of the Sofia University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the internal acts of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, as well as the normative acts governing the library and information work in the country. 

Art. 2. The library is a unified library and information complex consisting of a Central Library and branch libraries of the individual faculties, specialties and departments of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (hereinafter referred to as the University).
Art. 3. (1) The library serves the students, lecturers and employees of the University, as well as adult citizens and institutions from the country and abroad.
(2) The library exceptionally serves students from the National High Schools and Lyceums in Sofia.
Art. 4. The relationship between the Library and the reader arises with the act of issuing a reader’s card.
Art. 5. The working hours of the Library shall be determined by order of the Rector of the University at the proposal of the Director of the Library.   


Art. 6. (1) Use of library materials and services in the Library shall be made after the presentation of a reader’s card.
(2) The price of the reader’s card and the services provided by the Library shall be determined by order of the Rector of the University (Application Price List of Services at the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”).
Art. 7. (1) Reader card shall be personal and shall not be relinquished.
(2) The Library issues three types of readership cards – annual, temporary and honorary:
1. the annual reader card is issued for one calendar year (from the date of issuance of the card) and is re-registered annually; 

2. the temporary reader card is issued for one day;
3. the free annual card is issued to all readers with special educational needs;
4. the honorary reader card is indefinite and is issued only with the permission of the Director of the Library.
Art. 8. (1) Primary registration of readers and the issuance of readers’ cards shall be carried out at the Central Library.
(2) The primary registration of the electronic cards of the University shall be made at the Central Library and at the branch libraries.
(3) In any branch library is obligatory a free secondary registration of the readers.
Art. 9. (1) Following documents are required for the issuance of a reader card:
1. for professors and employees of the University – official card and payment of the corresponding fee;
2. for students, Ph. D. students and trainee at the University – a certified document, a photo (passport format) and payment of the corresponding fee;
3. for external readers – identity card, photo, filled-in declaration for voluntary provision of personal data (Article 4, paragraph 1, item 2 of PDPA) and payment of the corresponding fee.
(2) Readers who have declared a lost or stolen annual reader’s card shall be issued a new, which must be paid.
(3) When changing address, faculty, faculty number, e-mail address, readers are obliged to notify the Library.
(4) There is no re-registration of readers who have оverdue items to the Library.
Art. 10. By registration, each reader gets acquainted with the services provided by the Library, the place and order of receipt, and the Library Rules of Service.
Art. 11. (1) Visits to the Library shall be made upon presentation of a reader’s card.
(2) Visits to the departments of the Central Library shall be made after the employee of the pass informs the department concerned.


Art. 12. The Library provides the readers with an online catalog covering the Central Library and the branch libraries.
Art. 13. (1) Library materials from the depositories shall be ordered with a loan request form.
(2) The loan request form shall be filled out in an accurately and readable manner by the reader and transmitted to the librarian.
(3) Library materials from the Central Library collections can be ordered with online requests through the catalog.
(4) Orders for library materials from depositories shall be executed within twenty minutes.
(5) Orders from the depository in block six shall be executed once a day.
(6) 1. Orders for execution by the Central depository, incl. and online requests are accepted until 5 P.M. from Monday to Friday. 

      2. the orders in the branch libraries are executed within the working hours and according to the specificity of the respective library.
(7) Upon receipt of library materials at the Central Library, the reader is obliged to provide to the Circulation Desk a reader’s card, a checklist and a number of the wardrobe.
(8) Upon receipt of library materials from the branch libraries, the reader provides the reader’s card.
(9) Students, PhD students, specialists, employees and external readers have the right to order up to five volumes at a time. 

(10) Manuscripts, old printed, rare and valuable publications are ordered at a Circulation Desk or in a branch library and are used in a special regime. Permission for use of such materials is granted by the head of the Department Library and Information Services and Collections and the head of the branch libraries.
(11) In cases when the order cannot be executed, the librarian is obliged to write down the reason on the loan request form and inform the reader.
(12) Every reader shall be obliged to stop working with the library materials he has taken fifteen minutes prior to the end of the working hours established for the respective library and to hand them over to librarian on duty.
(13) At the Central Library each reader My be reserved up to five volumes of the library materials he has ordered for a period of three days. Upon expiration of this deadline, if the materials are not renewed, they have been returned to the depository. In the branch libraries, the keeping of the library materials and the period for their use are determinate by the head of the library.
(14) Library materials available in a single copy of the library collection cannot be reserved.
Art. 14. After finishing the work with the depository library materials, the reader is obliged to return them at the Circulation Desk and those on open access to the duty librarian in the reading room.
Art. 15. The library provides access to online catalogs, databases and other information resources.
(1) The catalog is free and accessible via the Internet.
(2) The subscribed databases provided by the Library shall be used only within the computer network of the University. Teachers and PhD students can get remote access to the facilities by issuing a certificate from the UCICT.
(3) The open access databases, specified on the library’s website, can be used without restriction.
(4) Department “Library and Information Services” prepares free subject and scientometric references for registered readers from the University – professors, Ph.D. students and graduate students.
(5) Department “Library and Information Services” prepares paid subject references, requested by external readers, which fees are according to the price list of services in the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”.


Art. 16. (1) Borrowing library materials for home shall be carried out only with the integrated libraries-informational system.
(2) Cannot be borrowed – manuscripts, old printed, rare and valuable publications, serials, reference books, encyclopaedias, multivolume publications and library documents, entered in the library under the Law for the obligatory deposit of printed and other works.
(3) The lecturers of the University may borrow library materials from the Library for home use – up to 10 volumes for a period of 30 days. After the expiration of the deadline, if the borrowed library materials are not renewed, they should be returned to the Library. Library materials for home use can be renewed twice.
(4) Students from the University may borrow library materials for home use only by the branch libraries – up to 5 volumes for a period of 30 days. Upon expiry of this period, if the borrowed library materials are not renewed, they should be returned to the Library. Library materials for home use can be renewed once.
(5) The University employees may borrow to 5 volumes of library materials for home use for a period of 30 days. Upon expiry of this period, if the borrowed library materials are not renewed, they should be returned to the Library. Library materials for home use can be renewed once. 
(6) External readers cannot borrow library materials for home use.  

Art. 17. (1) The service Interlibrary loan (ILL) gives to the professors, PhD students and students of the University the opportunity for temporary use of library materials from other libraries in the country and abroad.
(2) The service is available on a territorial basis and does not apply within a city.
(3) The library materials, received by this service, shall be used only in the reading rooms of the Library for the period, specified by the supplier library.
(4) The Library provides library material from its collection to other libraries in the country and abroad.
(5) When borrowing library materials by this service from the libraries in the country the reader shall be informed about the specific conditions (prices, deadlines) of the respective library.
(6) In the case of borrowing library materials by International Library Loan professors, PhD students and students have the right to request up to three books and five articles per academic year.
Art. 18. (1) The library shall provide the service Document Delivery Service.
(2) Through this service readers can order articles from serials and collected works and up to thirty pages (the order must not exceed one third of the publication).
(3) The service is available on a territorial basis and does not apply within a city.


Art. 19. The readers of the library are required:
(1) To be informed about the duties and responsibilities that they assume as readers of the Library.
(2) Not to damage the library materials.
(3) To notify the librarian on duty about the presence of damaged and missing pages of the library material used.
(4) To observe the specified terms of use of the library materials.
(5) To keep silence and not to make phone calls in the reading rooms.
(6) To comply with the fire safety regulations and the ban on smoking in the Library (including electronic cigarettes).
Art. 20. It is not allowed in the Library:
1. the assignment of the borrowed library materials from one reader to another;
2. the importation of food and drinks (except for a bottle of water);
3. the admission of readers and visitors in alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
4. The admission of readers and visitors with inappropriate clothing;
5. the admission of readers and visitors carrying weapons.
Art. 21. It is allowed to readers to bring own books into the Library with the following conditions:
1. every reader must write down the titles of the books on the back of the checklist upon receipt;
2. when entering the reading room, the reader must submit the checklist for checking and stamping to the librarian on duty;
3. bringing own books in the branch libraries is permitted after permission of the librarian on duty.
Art. 22. (1) By entering the Central Library each reader shall be obliged to present to the wardrobe employee his reader card against which he receives a checklist and a number from the wardrobe.
(2) When the reader does not have personal luggage, he will receive a special checklist. By borrowing books from the central repository, the reader presents the checklist and a personal document of a Circulation Desk.
(3) The use of the wardrobe in the Central Library, as well as in the branch libraries, where there is a separate one or places for overclothing, is obligatory and free of charge.
(4) Money and valuables, as well as bulky luggage (travel bags, suitcases, big bags, etc.) are not accepted for storage by the Library wardrobe.
Art. 23. (1) By leaving the Library, the reader returns to the wardrobe the number and the checklist, obligatorily stamped by the librarian on duty.
(2) In the branch libraries, where there are self-service wardrobes, the reader takes his belongings and returns the key to the librarian on duty.


Art. 24. The library staff is responsible for the strict adherence of the rules for the protection of the library collection.
Art. 25. The employees of the Library are obliged to provide quality library and information services.
Art. 26. The pass employees in the Central Library are obliged:
1. to welcome politely and to guide all readers and visitors;
2. to require a reader card upon entry and a checklist when leaving the library.
Art. 27. The employees of the wardrobe at the Central Library are obliged:
1. to welcome all readers and visitors politely;
2. to provide the reader with a wardrobe number and checklist;
3. to require readers to return the wardrobe numbers when leaving the library.
Art. 28. Employees of the Circulation Desk at the Central Library and librarians of the branch libraries are obliged:
1. to do precise and accurate registration of the readers and to keep the relevant documentation;
2. to do secondary registration of the readers;
3. to introduce to the new readers the order for use of the library materials and services in the library, as well as their rights and obligations;
4. strictly to observe the deadlines for carrying out the requests;
5. to explain to the reader the reasons why the requested library material is not available for use;
6. to maintain a file of refusals and to keep daily statistics;
7. to maintain the order of the library materials and to comply strictly with the established usage and storage regime.
Art. 29. The employees of the reading rooms of the Central Library and of the branch libraries are obliged:
1. to assist readers by working with the open access collections;
2. to maintain the established order of the collections in the reading rooms;
3. to prevent the exportation of literature from the collection at the reading room or its assignment without permission;
4. strictly to monitor the use of the library materials, avoiding highlighting and page breaks.
Art. 30. Employees of the Library and information services Department of the Central Library and the librarians of the branch libraries are obliged:
1. to assist the readers in their work with the online catalog and electronic resources;
3. to execute the requested information references.


Art. 31. The computers in the Library are only used for educational and scientific purposes.
(1) Every registered user shall have the right to use the computers and internet:
1. university professors, students and PhD students have unrestricted access to the computers.
2. external readers shall have to use the computers for no more than 60 minutes.
(2) External memory is not allowed.
(3) Downloading software, movies, music, etc. and other materials is not allowed
(4) Long-term storage of files is not allowed. All files are deleted at the end of the day.    


Art. 32. According to the order of the Rector of the University at graduation, retirement or leaving the University, the reader must submit a document stating that there are no obligations to the Central Library and the branch libraries in the Department of Education or the Department of Human Resources of the University.
Art. 33. A reader who, by his actions, destroys the library inventory, behaves rudely and arrogantly to the employees and fails to observe the provisions of these rules is deprived of the right to use the library, the prohibition being reflected in the integrated library and information system.
Art. 34. (1) If the reader fails or does not return a borrowed library material, he or she shall replace it with identical library material or a copy thereof in paper form or rebuild it with another at the discretion of the librarian or pay its fivefold value at market prices in the Department Acquisition of Library Resources at the Central Library.
Art. 35. Administrative liability is sought for the theft of library materials and the reader is deprived of the right to use the library.


§ 1. Library Rules of Service at the Sofia University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski “comply with:
1. Internal regulations and acts of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
2. Ordinance No 3 from 18 November 2014 on the preservation, use and disposal of documents from the library collections.
3. Law on the Mandatory Deposit of Printed and Other Works (Amended, SG No. 42/2009, effective 6.07.2009) Prom. 108 from 29.12.2000, in force since 1.01.2001, amend. 28 of 1.04.2005, in force as of 1.04.2005, p. 88 of 4 November 2005, no. 94 of 25.11.2005, in force as of 25.11.2005, supplemented, 57 of 13.07.2007, in force since 13.07.2007, amend. And supplements, nos. 42 of 5.06.2009, in force as of 6.07.2009, amended, num. 82 of 16.10.2009, in force as of 16.10.2009, amended and supplements, nos. 87 from 5.11.2010, amended, num. 101 of 28.12.2010.
§ 2. All changes to the order established by these rules shall be valid only if they are approved by the Library Council.
§ 3. Price list of services at the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” are an integral part of the Library Rules of Service.

* The Library Service Rules were adopted by Protocol No. 2 / 12.04.2017 at a meeting of the Library Council.