University library "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Relocation of the Zograf Room

From the beginning of 2025, the Zograf Electronic Research Library can be used in the Central Library, Media Reading Room. As previously, users can access digitized manuscripts from the University Library’s only offline collection in the new dedicated space, as well as manuscript inventories, phototype editions of artefacts and other …

90 years since the ceremonial consecration of the buildings of the Rector’s Office and the University Library

16th December 2024 marks the 90th anniversary of the ceremonial consecration of the buildings of the Rector’s Office and the University Library. In the presence of Their Majesties the King and the Queen, ministers, diplomats, public figures and lecturers, the President of the Ephoria “Evlogy and Hristo Georgiev” prof. Yanaki …

Trial access to De Gruyter’s Complete Journal Package collection

During the period 1.12.2024-31.12.2024,  the University library provides trial access to De Gruyter’s Complete Journal Package collection. The collection includes 345 journal titles in the fields of medicine, mathematics, physics, humanities and social sciences. Access is active within the university computer network: For remote access use the institutional login …

Elsevier Publishing is hosting a webinar to showcase innovations in the utilization of Scopus AI.

This innovative platform is changing the way researchers` and librarians` access and analyse academic data. The Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) is the first institution in Central and Eastern Europe to use Scopus AI. Its experts will demonstrate how this tool builds on the processes of accessing and analysing …

A visit to a National Institution – University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” in the city of Bitola, Republic of North Macedonia

On 19th November the Director of the University Library visited a National Institution – University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” in the city of Bitola. Accompanied by the Consul General of the Republic of Bulgaria in Bitola, Assoc. Prof. Bilyana Yavrukova had a meeting with the director of the library Mr. …

Аccess to IOP Publishing

IOP Publishing is one of the world’s leading publishers in physics. It publishes over 70 full text open-access and hybrid journals, distributed across 15 subject collections: astronomy and physics; atomic and molecular physics; biomedical engineering; condensed matter; education; engineering; environment and energy; instrumentation and measurement; materials; mathematics and computation; medical …

During the period of 01.11-31.12.2024, the University Library provides access to Statista

Statista is one of the largest platforms for statistical and market data in the world. Statista provides statistical data, reports, forecasts, surveys, infographics and research studies, market insights and business plans that can be downloaded in all formats. The resource can only be used for non-commercial purposes. Access is available …