University library "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Training courses

Sofia University Library organizes onsite and online trainings to increase the information competences of Ph. D. students and students.

The trainings present a wide range of services and information resources provided by the Sofia University Library to improve the information literacy skills for searching, evaluating and using scientific information.

• Information literacy training for students

• Trainings for development of information literacy skills of Ph. D. students

The trainings are organized throughout the academic year. A request needs to be sent from an institutional email. The registered students will receive a link after the training time is confirmed.

Information literacy trainings for students

1. Information retrieval in the online catalogue and search for bibliographic resources on a specific subject;

2. Options for refining the search results using different parameters: language of publication, year of publication, type of resource, availability of resources in branch libraries;

3. Online request of books and serials through the online library catalog;

4. Specifics in requesting serials;

5. Searching for full-text resources, available through online library catalog;

6. Presentation of the Sofia University Library digital collections, with emphasis on the digital collection “Course Reading”;

7. Introduction to the e-services and resources provided by the Sofia University Library.

* The time for trainings will be additionally coordinated. Interested users must fill out the application form.

* Note:

The trainings are provided for groups of students and are held throughout the academic year. Students can attend trainings as many times as they want. After submitting an application, students will receive a link and an access code.


The University Library offers the following trainings for development of information literacy skills of Ph.D. students at Sofia University:

Module 1.

In this module each participant will receive useful information and valuable advices about:

1.1. Sofia University library services;

1.2. Sofia University Library online catalog;

1.3. Digital collections of the Sofia University Library;

1.4. Interlibrary loan of books and articles from other national and international libraries.

* The time for trainings will be additionally coordinated. Interested users must fill out the application form.

Module 2.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about:

2.1. Scientific full-text databases – Science Direct, JSTOR, EBSCO, CEEOL, etc .;

2.2. Scientometric databases – WEB OF SCIENCE and SCOPUS;

2.3. Open access resources;

2.4. Possibilities for access to subscribed databases;

2.5 Search tips and strategies.

* The time for trainings will be additionally coordinated. Interested users must fill out the application form.