On 7th November, an exhibition dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the founding of the Zograf Electronic Research Library was presented at the Central University Library.

At the opening Assoc. Prof. Bilyana Yavrukova pointed out that the exhibition is unconventional and that it reveals the beauty of Mount Athos and the activities of the lecturers of Sofia University in the Saint George the Zograf Monastery. It also presents the latest donation that the University Library received from the Zograf Monastery.

The director of the library spoke about the cooperation between the Zograf Monastery and the University Library and described it as “extremely successful, improving over the years and based on mutual trust and goodwill. All this would not have happened without the efforts of Father Atanasiy, Father Kozma and all the professors from the University of Sofia who study the manuscripts and digitalize them consistently and methodically”. She thanked on behalf of the users of the University Library for the realization of the idea of creating the Zograph Room. Assoc. Prof. Yavrukova also highlighted the ongoing donations from the Zograf Monastery and presented a letter of thanks to Hieromonk Atanasiy expressing the hope that the successful cooperation will continue in the future.

Father Kozma Popovski spoke about the activities of the researchers on description and digitalizing the manuscripts, and the organization of the library of the Zograf Monastery. He pointed out the daily life of the researchers, presented in the exposition panels by the photos of Dr. Dimitar Peev, Angel Yordanov and the Archive of the Zograf Monastery.

The exhibition will be on display until the end of January 2025.