University Library „St. Kliment Ohridski” presents an exhibition dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein.
First and lifetime editions of Einstein’s works in Bulgarian and foreign languages, publications about his contributions to science and memoirs about him are exhibited in the entrance hall of the Central University Library. Einstein’s relations with Bulgarian university lecturers and artists are shown.

The exhibition highlights the lifetime editions of Einstein owned by the University Library. In one of the central exhibition cases, a copy of the first self-published edition of The Foundations of General Relativity from 1916 can be seen.

In addition to his outstanding achievements in theoretical physics, the exhibition also includes photographs and short texts about other aspects of Einstein’s work – a convinced pacifist, a participant in the fight against fascism and Nazism, and a fighter for civil rights. His passion for music and his sense of humor are highlighted. Visitors to the exhibition can feel that elusive radiance that makes Albert Einstein’s personality an object of inspiration.

The exhibition will be open until June 28, 2024.