Enrichment of the Zograph Digital Scientific and Research Library

Enrichment of the Zograph Digital Scientific and Research Library

Traditionally in May of each year we present the enrichment of the Zograf Electronic Research Library with new digital copies of manuscripts. In the year when we celebrate 135th anniversary of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the University Library establishment, the digital collection of manuscripts was enriched for the second time. In cooperation with researchers from the Department of Cyril and Methodius Studies, the Zograf Electronic Research Library has been enriched with 16 new digital manuscripts from the 16th – 19th century collection of the Hilarion of Makariopolis Renaissance Museum in the town of Elena.

The offline Zograf Electronic Research Library is located in the University Library of Philology and is accessible to national and international researchers. In the ten years of its existence, the library has grown from 286 manuscripts from the collections of the Zograf Monastery to 749 digital manuscripts provided by 16 Bulgarian and foreign institutions.