The Dreamer Vaptsarov

The Dreamer Vaptsarov

On Thursday, December 5th at 2.30 pm at the lobby of the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” had been inaugurated the exhibition “The Dreamer Vaptsarov”.  The exhibition depicted notebooks, manuscripts and personal photographs of the poet archive, housed at the Institute of Literature, the Bulgarian Academy of Science and at the Nikola Vaptsarov Museum, the National Literature Museum in Sofia.

 The library exhibition hall displayed personal documents: Vaptsarov’s student card, his maritime passport, his membership card from “Vuzdyrvatelno druvestvo Moral”, his personal identification cart as a fireman at the Bulgarian State Railways, also his family photographs, personal correspondence letters and postcards addressed to and received from relatives and friends. The exhibition visitors could see Vapstarov’s notebooks, his early and later handwritten editions of poems, including his Brown notebook, consisting of sixteen of his early poems, his Pink notebook with twelve poems, written between 1936 and 1937, and a notebook with fourteen poems. The exhibition also included Vaptsarov’s most valuable Blue leather Bayer a notebook with the manuscripts of his poems “Death”, “Farewell”, “Anteni”, as well as a copy of “Motorni pesni” and the manuscripts of his poems “Freedom”. 

 Also significant, at this archival exhibition, were the copies of the “Literaturen kritik” newspaper, at which edition Vaptsarov was an editor. The archival vision for Vaptsarov’s legacy was embodied with his personal possessions, the album of the MMU issue, with the hymn written by him, and his graphic and oil painted portraits. The archival materials presented at “The Dreamer Vaptsarov” complemented and extended the idea of Vaptsarov, not only as the author of the poetry collection “Motor Songs”, but also extended the poetic part of his work, which goes beyond the content of this book of poetry. Vaptsarov is the author of dramaturgical works and texts for children literature. Last but not least, the exhibition presented his work, as the editor of the “Literaturen kritik” newspaper, where in 1941 he published highly regarded article “On the Creativity of the Youngest”. 

 The exhibition, organized by the Institute of Literature at the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the National Literary Museum and the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski “, is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the Nikola Vaptsarov birth, and to the 150th anniversary of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences founding.