Valuable donation from De Gruyter Brill

Valuable donation from De Gruyter Brill

After the end of the International Conference of the European Association for Biblical Studies, hosted by the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski, the University Library received a valuable donation – 39 books on biblical topics will be available to faculties, PhD students and students in the reading rooms of the University Library.

The merger of the publishing houses De Gruyter and Brill has strengthened their position as one of the leading publishers in the humanities and beyond. They have become a strong partner to the research community and are committed to the development and dissemination of scholarship, driven by the belief that academic research is vital to the development of society.

De Gruyter and Brill will remain independent publishing houses with their own brands and publishing programmes. They are using the merger to expand their global presence, accelerate the transition to open science and strengthen their digital innovation capabilities.