University library "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Educational Studies and Arts Library

Address: 1574 Sofia, 69A Shiptchenski Prohod Blvd., 3rd floor, Room 322 
Telephone: (+359 2) 9706-249 
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00–17.00

The Library for Educational Studies and the Arts joined the structure of Sofia University Library Network in 1987. Before that year it was a library at the Institute for Preschool and Primary School Teachers, transformed in 1984 into Faculty of Preschool and Primary School Teachers at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.
Today it is a modern library which meets the needs of students, university professors and teachers of courses for prequalification and post-graduate studies. 

Its collections contain more than 38,860 library items (books, serials, albums, e-resources) from different scientific fields – theory of education, didactics, pedagogy, teaching methodology, child and developmental psychology, logopedics, children’s literature, art, music, medicine, etc. 

The library has 36 reading places, including 3 computerized workstations.