University library "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Philological Library

Address: 1043 Sofia, 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia University, 6th floor, Room 191
Telephone: (+359 2) 9308 494
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30-18.00 

The Philological Library was established in 1954 with the merging of the collections of several of the oldest seminar libraries at Sofia University – Slavic Seminar (founded in 1905), Seminar in Comparative Literary History (founded in 1911), Seminar on German, French and English Philology (founded in 1924), and the library at the Department of Linguistics. In 1969 was opened a large student reading room with 175 reading places. In 1980, after renovation work and installation of new equipment, the library at the Faculty of Slavic Philology and the Faculty of Classical and Modern Philology moved to its current premises. In 2012 the Philological Library was completely renovated with the financial support under the EU Operational Programme Regional Development 2007-2013.

  Today the library is the largest branch library within the structure of the University Library. Its rich collections contain 200,980 library items (books, serials, reference editions, dictionaries, electronic resources) in the field of linguistics, literature, literary history, literary criticism, literature in various languages, anthropology, folklore, linguistics, psycholinguistics, hermeneutics, pragmatics, semiotics and other disciplines. It stores the private libraries of Prof. Mosko Moskov, Assoc. Prof. Albert Koshelov and Petar Uvaliev. It has 55 reading places, including 22 computеrized workstations.