Address: 1126 Sofia, 5 James Bourchier Blvd, 1st floor, Room 1
Telephone: (+359 2) 8161 571
Opening Hours: Monday to firday 08.30 – 17.30

The Library at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics was established in 1951 based on the seminar libraries at the individual mathematical disciplines. However, the formation of its collections began as early as 1898 with a donation of 160 volumes of books and 26 volumes of serials by the founders of the Physico-Mathematical Society. Contributions to the development of its holdings and acquisitions over the years have made the eminent mathematicians Prof. Anton Shourek, Prof. Kiril Popov, Prof. Boyan Petkanchin, Prof. Blagovest Dolapchiev, Prof. Alipi Mateev, some of them through donation of their private libraries. The tradition of making donations continues with the donations of 400 volumes from Indiana University, USA; 200 volumes by the publishing house O’Reilly; 88 volumes from the pruvate library of Prof. Lev Brutman, Israel; literature from various organizations, university professors and individuals. Today the library maintains valuable and rich collections, consisting of more than 84,490 items of books, serials, bibliographic and reference editions.

The library has 31 reading places, including 4 computerized workstations.