University library "St. Kliment Ohridski"

Library and Information Studies Library

Address: 1113 Sofia, 125 Tsarigradsko Shosse Blvd., building 1, floor 4, room 415
Telephone: (+359 2) 8706 073
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 10.00–18.00 (Wednesday 10.00–14.00)

The library was established in 2000. Since 2011 it is connected to the structure of the University Library as a third branch library within the Faculty of Philosophy, together with the libraries of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

The Library and Information Science branch library has a valuable special collection in library studies, library’s organization and management, book science and book publishing, information brokering and management, information and communication technologies, cultural policy and museology, digital libraries, integration processes, regional studies and regional bibliography and more. 

Its collection consists of 3,270 volumes of books, serials and e-resources. 

It has 12 reading places, including 7 computerized workstations.