Sofia University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, is providing reading access to over 17000 standards and standardization documents published by the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BIS) at six computer stations in the Reading room “Mediateka”.
All university faculty, PhD students and students are welcome to use the digital resources for educational and research purposes. The documents are grouped in packages, according to the number and name of the technical committee (TC) or the expert working group (EWG).
EWG 10 – Innovation Management
EWG 16 – Forensic science processes
TC 12 – Application of statistical methods
TC 16 – Archive, librarianship and information activity
TC 28 – General metrology
TC 34 – Quality management and conformity assessment
TC 54 – Lighting equipment
TC 71 – Nuclear energy
TC 80 – Electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and transport
TC 84 – Banking, securities, financial services and e-invoicing
TC 89 – Tourism Activities
TC 94 – Conservation of cultural property
The documents are read-only, copying and printing is not permitted!
Please see the presentation “BDS Information Center at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski”. Technical committees standards, kindly provided by the Bulgarian Institute for Standardization.