Category: <span>Exhibitions</span>

“A Strict Reverend in the Temple of Science”: Exhibition dedicated to 140 years from the birth of Prof. Stoyan Romanski

The exhibition at the University Library presents the scientific and teaching achievements of Prof. Stoyan Romanski. Its numerous publications in the field of Linguistics, Ethnography, Slavic literature, Dialectology, his first scientific research, and his dissertation thesis defended at the University of Leipzig in 1908, dictionaries he authored and edited, ethnographic …

An Exhibition at the University Library Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Department of Classical Philology Establishment

The exhibition in the University Library St. Kliment Ohridski lobby presents the history of the Department of Classical Philology through faculty’s scientific publications. Along with the introductory lecture of Prof. D. Dechev from 1921, which marked the beginning of the Department centenary, are presented monographs on Antiquity, grammars, dictionaries, textbooks, …

The Dreamer Vaptsarov

On Thursday, December 5th at 2.30 pm at the lobby of the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” had been inaugurated the exhibition “The Dreamer Vaptsarov”.  The exhibition depicted notebooks, manuscripts and personal photographs of the poet archive, housed at the Institute of Literature, the Bulgarian Academy of Science and at …

St. George the Zograf Monastery at Mount Athos through the Centuries

The exhibition “St. George the Zograf Monastery at Mount Athos through the Centuries”, dedicated to the literary affluence of the “St. George the Zograf Monastery” held at the University Library exhibition hall had been inaugurated by the Director of the University Library Associate Professor Anna Angelova, PhD. Ms Angelova emphasized …