Category: <span>Exhibitions</span>

“Einstein’s Universe”

University Library „St. Kliment Ohridski” presents an exhibition dedicated to the 145th anniversary of the birth of Albert Einstein. First and lifetime editions of Einstein’s works in Bulgarian and foreign languages, publications about his contributions to science and memoirs about him are exhibited in the entrance hall of the Central …

Photo Exhibition Dedicated to the 135th Anniversary of the University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, presented in the City of Burgas

The branch of Sofia University in the city of Burgas is hosting the photo exhibition “The University Library through the Lens of Two Photographers”. The exhibited 20 panels depict the past and the present of the Sofia University Library. The old black and white photographs are by Bozhidar Karastoyanov (1903-1956), …

“Samples of Art Bookbinding from the 16th to the 21st Century”

The Sofia University Library celebrates its 135th anniversary with a new permanent exhibition “Samples of Art Bookbinding from the 16th to the 21st Century. The aim of the exhibition is to present bookbinding through representative samples from the University Library collections. The exhibition shows the historical development of bookbinding, and …

Our Textbooks

On the evening of the most celebrated Bulgarian holiday – May 24th, we showcase the University Library exhibition Our Textbooks, dedicated to 135 years from the establishment of the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, and the 100th anniversary of the of the founding of the Department of Pedagogy. The exhibition …

“Journey to Stastliveca”

An exhibition of university scholars’ publications on the occasion of the 160th anniversary of Aleko Konstantinov’s birth The University Library presents the exhibition “Journey to Stastliveca”, which depicts Aleko Konstantinov’s first publications of travel books, feuilletons, short stories, essays, and translations. Aleko Konstantinov’s connection to his Alma Mater is shown. …

“If a book is not at Chipev’s, you rather don’t look for it at all”

Exhibition at Sofia University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski” dedicated to the 155th anniversary from Todor Chipev’s birth Sofia University Library welcomes its patron’s day on November 25 with the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the greatest Bulgarian bookseller and publisher of the time before the World War II. Short …

“100 Years Special Collections at Plovdiv Public Library”

Exhibition presented by the Public Library “Ivan Vazov”, Plovdiv. In March 2022, the Sofia University Library is presenting at the Library of Philology an exhibition of the Public Library “Ivan Vazov”, Plovdiv. There are 25 posters presenting books, manuscripts, archival materials, photographs, journals, collective publications, lithographs and documents – part …